Saturday, September 23, 2017

Jupiter Media Matrix

Simple way to know how to work google just few  words of a story.

In a survey by Jupiter Media Matrix, 40% of respondents said they use search engines as the most common way they search for products and services online. That's know every one.

How Search for Products Online:

Search Engine40%Store`s URL20%Search Engine Shopping Channel8%Marketing Emai l5%Internet Ad4$Comparison Bot4$Comparison Site2%Other15%

Search engines are used in all stages of the buying cycle.

Research indicates that 62% of search-related purchases are placed offline in retail stores ,This means Search Engine Marketing is important even if a business does not sell items directly on the Internet.

Google has about 49.2% of all searches in July 2007, according to statistics provided by Nielsen/NetRatings MegaView Search.


Search engine marketing is 6 times more effective than Banner Ads.

Natural Search Results receive over 70% of the clicks. Being in 10th place of a natural search result gets many more clicks than being in the 1st place in paid results on the same page.

Position is a factor, with over 60% clicking on the top 3 natural search listings ( the so called “golden triangle”).

55% of online purchase transactions are made on sites found through search engine listings.

are you using to ads like Google Ad words?, Google sent you some of pay and get mor then traffic. When you get so many traffic, than your website is build a good position  and more than valuable website and Google also through traffic your website and you get pay from Google and ranking your website.

When you perfectly set up your website then your website look like great and Google like the fresh website those are neat and clean educational people known and helpful.

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